Rossi Films

We Shall Remain
2009: Tracing over 400 years of Native American history, We Shall Remain is a five-part television series and multimedia project for the PBS series AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. Rossi worked as Associate Producer on the final two films of the series.
Geronimo tells the story of the Chiricahua Apache resistance during the late nineteenth century and the contentious place Geronimo holds in the memory of Apaches and American history. Rossi spearheaded the visual research for the film, all the while marveling at the photographic history of Geronimo. The recreation scenes were shot on location in southeastern Arizona and featured Apache re-enactors.
Wounded Knee examines the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Rossi culled through hours of amazing stock footage while working on the film in Oakland, CA alongside filmmakers Stanley Nelson and Julianna Brannum.